under horrendous labor conditions 意味

  • 過酷な労働条件の下{もと}で


        work under poor labor conditions:    ひどい労働条件{ろうどう じょうけん}で働く
        under no conditions:    どんな[いかなる]こと[事情{じじょう}]があっても~ない、どんな[いかなる]状態{じょうたい}[状況{じょうきょう}?場合{ばあい}]でも[においても]~しない、決して[間違っても]~しない、~するのに不適{ふてき}である Under [in] no circumstances [conditions] will she be allowed back into that restauran
        under such conditions:    このような条件で
        under these conditions:    これらの条件{じょうけん}で
        labor under:    ~に苦労{くろう}する
        horrendous:    {形-1} : 恐ろしい、ものすごい、ゾッとさせる、すさまじい、鳥肌{とりはだ}が立つ、身の毛がよだつ、背筋{せすじ}が寒くなる、生きた心地{ここち}もない The horrendous storm sank 50 boats. その恐ろしい嵐で、50隻の船が沈んだ。 ---------------------------------------------------------------
        improvement of labor conditions:    improvement of labor conditions 待遇改善 たいぐうかいぜん
        indicator of labor-market conditions:    労働市場状況{ろうどう しじょう じょうきょう}の指標{しひょう}
        done under the right conditions:    《be ~》適切{てきせつ}な条件下{じょうけん か}において行われる
        exist under extreme conditions:    非常{ひじょう}に厳しい状況下{じょうきょう か}で生存{せいぞん}する
        exposure under natural conditions:    exposure under natural conditions 自然条件暴露[化学]
        live under deplorable conditions:    ひどい状況の下で生活する
        operate under sterile conditions:    無菌状態{むきん じょうたい}で手術{しゅじゅつ}する
        start under unfavorable conditions:    逆風{ぎゃくふう}の船出{ふなで}[スタート]である
        suffer under severe conditions:    厳しい条件下{じょうけん か}で苦しむ


  1. "under his direction honda became the top motorcycle manufacturer in the world" 意味
  2. "under his distinguished direction" 意味
  3. "under his guidance, her speaking ability was perfectly developed" 意味
  4. "under his stupid exterior there lies considerable intelligence" 意味
  5. "under his vigorous management the school attained great prosperity" 意味
  6. "under house" 意味
  7. "under house arrest" 意味
  8. "under huge stress" 意味
  9. "under hypnosis" 意味
  10. "under his stupid exterior there lies considerable intelligence" 意味
  11. "under his vigorous management the school attained great prosperity" 意味
  12. "under house" 意味
  13. "under house arrest" 意味

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